Hidden in the Seaport: FishBridge Park

Thanks to Seaport resident Mary Decker, who filled me in on the Friends of Peck Slip Park and who tipped me off to the Black Rabbit set location, I also got to visit FishBridge Park, a sliver of the city that I had no idea existed — and it turns out I am three decades late to the news.

The garden is part of the Parks Department’s GreenThumb Community Garden network — 5819 square feet of city-owned property at 340 Pearl and Dover that was created in 1992 after some industrious guerilla gardening. The city at first denied neighbors’ application for a community garden on the site, going as far as to send a bill for rent to the Seaport Coalition when they first starting cleaning up the trash-strewn lot. But the city eventually came around and in March 1996, FishBridge Park became one of the first two GreenThumb gardens to become an official New York City park.

The park is named for its proximity to two of the city’s landmarks, the Fulton Fish Market and the Brooklyn Bridge.

Tended by 50 volunteers and managed by the South-Water-Front Neighborhood Association, the garden is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays, dawn to dusk, April to November. For more infomation: info@seaportcoalition.org.


1 Comment

  1. And check out the sweet Fulton Stall Market nearby

