Seen & Heard: NASA murals in Hudson Square

The Hudson Square Business Improvement District and NASA unveiled a new public mural titled “To the Moon, and Back,” celebrating space exploration and the spirit of human discovery. The mural, designed by Brooklyn-based conceptual artist GERALUZ & WERC, is the first project completed under NASA’s new public art initiative, by and for local communities, that is aimed at inspiring a new generation to connect and engage with the agency and its programs. Find it on the north side of Charlton between Hudson and Varick.

Mischelle Arcus at Stella wrote to tell fellow shopkeepers to beware: the man in the photo above came into her store on Reade, picked things up, put them in his bag and walked out. ‘Luckily it was not expensive things but he seemed very threatening when I started talking to him,” she said. “I couldn’t think of anyone else who connects us all but you!” She called reported the incident to the NYPD, who told her there’s so much shoplifting now, warning her not to engage with the thief. “Running down the street taking these photos was not a good idea :(,” they told her.

Sant Ambroeus, the Milanese coffee shop at Brookfield and around the city, has introduced a new retail coffee line, featuring four different tins: Whole Bean Espresso, Whole Bean Decaf Espresso, Whole Bean House Blend, and ‘Whole Bean Decaf House Blend.’ These come via multi-generation coffee importers and roasters Ammirati Coffee.

Battery Park City will host a step dancing event on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 10:30am to noon at Belvedere Plaza. The Art Of Stepping will teach the basic fundamentals of step using site words and lower case letters of the alphabet. More info here.



  1. Maybe we need to STOP voting (locally) for the wrong people, whom clearly rather be soft on crime than enforce the rule of law and protect us citizens.

    • Yes, though I’m not optimistic this would ever happen because the district’s voting record is such that better candidates don’t even try, or if they do (looking at Maud Marron here), they can’t get any traction via fundraising or support from the local Democrat political clubs. The sad truth is that all our local elections are decided on primary day and very few people vote much less pay attention at that point of the cycle.

      For another example of the disorder our local politicians have given us, look no further than today’s Broadsheet — on 9/16 DEA agents stopped a car at Battery and West that contained 110 pounds of crystal meth and the 2 men arrested were released after arraignment because under New York law, possession of methamphetamine (regardless of the quantity) is not a bail-eligible offense. Who thinks they will show up for trial?
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