Glad to see that the liberation of the Broadway sidewalk at Franklin continued to Franklin as well, with the south sidewalk accessible again after five years. Thanks to photos from J., P., and T.
That’s not to say that the drama is over for that corner. Not only were the plans for what would be 65 Franklin abandoned, but the project filed for the L-shaped building around it seems to also have stalled. The latter required the destruction of both 59 Franklin and 358 Broadway — both perfectly fine until they were razed.
See this post for more on other “dinosaurs” — aka “extinct animals with upright limbs” — in the neighborhood.
To get these sidewalks back, neighbors needled every city agency involved, and finally it took the involvement of Councilman Chris Marte’s office to get the city to force the landlord at 65 Franklin to remove the construction shed.
Site sold recently for $58M