Congestion pricing is here

With four of the legal challenges cleared as of this week, all signs point to congestion pricing starting Saturday, right after midnight. New Jersey has been the fiercest opponent for reasons I still don’t understand.

Tribecan and transportation consultant Charlie Komanoff monitored the “lawyer chit-chat” all week, and as of a couple of hours ago, the judge hearing the New Jersey federal lawsuit ruled to deny the state’s request for a temporary restraining order. That was the last hurdle.

Drivers will be charged a toll on their E-ZPass once per day when they enter what the MTA is now calling the “Congestion Relief Zone,” FKA the Central Business District south of 60th Street. Still except are the highways — the FDR Drive, West Side Highway and the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel connecting to West Street. The tolling devices kick in when you cross into the grid.

NB: These rates get us through 2027. They go up to $12 for passenger vehicles in 2028, and $15 in 2031.

The peak period toll rate will apply from 5a to 9p on weekdays and 9a to 9p on weekends. All other times, drivers will be charged off peak toll rate.

Some more details:

  • Low-Income Tax Credits are available for those who live in the zone.
  • Drivers without E-ZPass will be mailed a toll bill to the address of the registered vehicle — and it will be 50 percent more than the usual rate.
  • Yellow taxis and black cars will be charged 0.75 cents per trip
  • Uber and other app-based vehicles $1.50 per trip
  • Drivers using the Lincoln, Holland, Queens-Midtown and Hugh L. Carey tunnels will get a $3 credit when they enter the zone.


  1. Congestion pricing is nothing more than a government sponsored scam.. Its time for everyone to cover their plates, take off their ez pass transponders and just drive through the congestion pricing zone for free. Nobody should have to pay this. This is taxation without representation. If nobody pays then government can’t do anything about it. Hochul needs to be impeached for being a terrible governor.

  2. There was drama tonight as NJ applied for a temporary restraining order on the tolls, and there was a hearing this afternoon where the decision didn’t come until 8:30p, denying NJ’s request. They will appeal (again!) tomorrow (Sat) to a higher court, but all signs are still go.

  3. How can another state (NJ) have any say on what tolls this state (NY) imposes within its own limits?

    • Not a lawyer, but, the complaints all rely on the same tools used to block development of any kind – that the “environmental review” process, in this case the one built into the federal highway laws, was insufficient and failed to properly account for and mitigate the extra pollution that will land in NJ. I think these environmental review lawsuits are usually garbage, but they’re an incredibly effective tool for slowing stuff down.

      I think if you got down to the very bottom of the constitutional basis for these laws in this instance it’s got to be the interstate commerce authority granted by the constitution to congress, but so far none of the relevant challenges have been constitutional.

      • @mg: Your layman’s hunch matches up with what Tribeca resident (and attorney) Jess Coleman wrote yesterday, on Twitter:

        “NJ’s basis for its case is the Dormant Commerce Clause, which appears nowhere in the constitution and is an incredibly amorphous area of law.

        “The judge rejected NJ’s case, except for one tiny point, which even the judge admitted in a footnote was dealt with in the supplemental record, but declined to consider it because of a technicality.

        “The judge then decided to remand to a federal agency to do… something. It’s not clear. It was a made up problem with a made up remedy.

        “So here we are. A democratically enacted piece of legislation, creating a simple toll, is currently in limbo because our legal system has become an undemocratic, Kafkaesque institution that creates bespoke solutions for blocking progressive policies.

        “I hope the judge makes the right decision. But this saga is a perfect illustration that our entire system of policymaking in this country is severely broken.”

        As you probably know, Jess is running in the 2025 Democratic primary to unseat CM Chris Marte. Jess’s legal acumen, policy chops, and, yes, unequivocal support for congestion pricing are some of the reasons I’m backing his candidacy.

        • My family supports Chris Marte.
          We especially appreciate his authenticity, his interest in constituents and his work.

          Not interested in more luxury real estate candidates.

  4. what I find frustrating is that the folks from NJ are claiming “environmental” impact on the neighborhoods near the GW bridge on the theory that those seeking to avoid the toll will use the GW rather than the Lincoln or holland tunnels. First, the only way this holds water at all is as it applies to drivers “passing through” Manhattan, because regardless of how you enter Manhattan, once you go below 60th street, you get charged. So the “extra” cars they are predicting will end up in the roads in northern NJ can only apply to those folks who otherwise would take one of the tunnels to “enter” Manhattan, but then not go anywhere in congestion zone. I find it hard to believe that there are that many people who do this. Also, NJ’s claim amounts to “screw people in NYC, let them have all the “grid lock” and “pollution”caused by NJ folks coming into NYC. We want to live in the suburbs, enjoy all the benefits of driving into NYC, but bear none of costs to maintain roads and a good mass transportation system.”

  5. Is there a useful resource that clearly shares the details of this plan? Very confusing to figure out how this impacts residents in Tribeca who reside within the zone. For example, if a Tribeca resident drives to the West Village or Chelsea via the West Side Highway, are they charged since they technically left the zone while on the highway? If that same resident does not take the West Side highway and instead takes the side streets to West Village or Chelsea (ie Hudson St or 6th Ave); I’m assuming they are not charged?

  6. I’m trying to figure out what will prevent massive amounts of vehicles from driving down West Street (out of congestion zone) to enter BPC (also out of congestion zone AFAIK) to park. Am I missing something?

    • You’re missing the fact that your hypothetical vehicles will be charged once they exit West St and enter BPC. So no incentive to do your workaround (unless your destination is Bklyn, which you can drive to via the Bklyn Battery Tunnel w/o paying the congestion charge, though you’ll pay the incumbent TBTA toll).

  7. You do that Tom and tell us how that works for you. Also, maintenance money grows on trees. Right?

  8. Previously posted that this is a tax not congestion charge as it is not waived at off peak say 7pm (as in other cities like London). This allows people to come in for free to go to a restaurant, enjoy a night out etc and visit on a weekend. The can enjoy the city and critically support NY businesses. If it stays as is it should called a straight tax should be called that.

    Would only now add that timing is also odd as the subway and public transport is getting more and more dangerous. Will we see the city and state move towards making the public transport safe again or continue policy of soft/zero policing ? If you want people to move back to public transport it can’t just be tax them so they can’t afford to get to work or visit the city (can it ?) but has to be make public transport more comfortable and safe. I like public transport but would hesitate to use it at certain times of the day or to take my family on it. Pushing people under trains, random attacks, getting set on fire, it’s hard to blame people for wanting to use a car. I am sure stats will say crossing the road is more dangerous but I myself can control how to cross a road and maximize safety and minmise risk. I can’t control for random attacks or events in a crowded environment that is recognized to have low policing and law enforcement.

    Love the city, feel lucky to live here, not going anywhere. Just surprised that the tax revenue raised, which is massive compared to equivalent global cities – 15-20% higher than say London)-s not leading to better transport etc. Where is it all going ?

    • Well, you can come in any time without a toll by public transportation. That is why it is called a toll and not a tax…

      • well normally agree with TC on most things but this is one of those rare occasions I think you are being generous. Effectively it’s a tax, most people don’t have a choice and the alternatives are not what they should be – as published here. It’s raised at every part of the day regardless of congestion which actually ebbs and flows. It’s designed to maximize revenue not to manage traffic. No new roads have been built, they have all been previously paid for. Other tolls normally produce a new road. There is no free time particularly in the evenings when restaurants, the arts etc want people coming to them. Other congestions charges are not charged at peak hours. It’s a tax.

        But it’s happening. Hope it leads to real investment and improvement in the Subways. Worth checking in on that here in one and two years time.

  9. Could this make the NJ to Brooklyn (and vice versa) route through Staten Island and the Verrazano Bridge more attractive than the Holland Tunnel/Manhattan Bridge via Canal Street option? One can hope.
