The most recent news out of the former Western Union building, or 60 Hudson, is the expansion of DataGryd, which now has eight floors that look largely like this:
Or this:
(There are some humans around — in fact operations VP Arthur Valhuerdi has been working in the building for 20 years and is a regular at Max.)
The company provides data storage, bringing power in straight from the substation on Leonard. In fact, 60 Hudson is its own little substation: DataGryd alone provides 15 megawatts of power; a coal plant typically provides 600 megawatts. You really don’t need to take your coat off in the place — it’s constantly being cooled from below for the sake of the little mice working up a sweat as they run around inside the cages and turn the wheels. (And the company has also fitted the building for resiliency in case you are wondering. All the conduits and fittings have been sealed, and everything is at 15.5 feet above sea level.)
The Trib has a look at the tech inside if you want to see the face behind the data, but I was more interested in looking outside onto the neighborhood (well, and a bit inside too):
Those pic’s are yours, Pam? They’re breathtaking!
Yes, with a little help from the filters in Google photos. Thanks!
Great pics! But the ones highlighting the terrific art deco lobby, evidently kept in tip-top condition, point up the unfortunate reality that it, like the even more astonishing one at the Woolworth building, is closed to the public. Surly a system for allowing the public in on certain days might be devised? I have lived in the nabe long enough to remember when one could breeze through both of them at will . . .