How FlashDancers is handing the coronavirus outbreak

Well, who better to ask than a strip club for how to handle a virus outbreak. FlashDancers Downtown, the club on Murray, is usually cleaned twice a day, according to Jimmy, one of the managers. “But now we have extra cleaning crews coming in and wiping everything down between every shift with antibacterial industrial cleaning products.” They’ve tripled the staff of porters hired to clean the entire space — for the sake of the customers and the performers.

Managers have also have put out hand sanitizers “all over the place” for customers and are asking the women to be extra diligent when it comes to washing their hands, “and so on and so forth,” said Jimmy.

Might just be one of the safer places in the neighborhood, just saying.

FlashDancers also has a Times Square location, and while business there has been a little slower with fewer tourists coming by, downtown business has held steady since it attracts a more local crowd. It’s also stood the test of time. Sean, another manager, noted that the club opened on Black Monday — Oct. 19, 1987. “With the markets they way they are, now it seems like every day is Black Monday.”



  1. The neighborhood needs more FlashDancers and less Blood Manors.

  2. Have lived in Murray for years and have to say flash dancers are actually really good neighbors. The door guys are always super respectful and help police the neighborhood during this Deblasio administration disaster.

    • He isn’t perfect but the mayor has done a # of good things for the city. Here are just a few:
      Pre-K for NYC children
      Dial NYC
      NYPL increase funding & massive digital upgrade
      $40-50 Billion for affordable housing
      Expanded sick day leave
      Minimum wage increase to $15 per hour
      NYPD now use body cameras
      Small amounts of marijuana leads to tickets but not arrests
      oh and you may like this one Michelle: NYC is home to more billionaires under this mayor.

      Don’t be ignorant – learn stuff soon.
