The New Washington Market Park

I walked up to the entrance this morning, only to find there was no entrance.

Lo and behold, it’s now at the north end! And beyond the pretty trellis is a serpentine path. The camera in my phone doesn’t do it justice….

The lawn is resodded, just in time for tomorrow’s Tribeca Family Festival.

The community garden is ready to roll.

And perhaps most notably of all, the restrooms appear to be open! At least they were when I passed by and peeked into the men’s boys’ room. (I didn’t spend too much time getting the perfect shot; they’re nicer in real life.)

And the green roof is starting to grow! All in all, nice stuff. Congrats to the Friends of Washington Market Park!



  1. You do know that the “new” entrance is the old entrance right?
    It looks much the same as before the work started on creating the new bathrooms. Which, I agree, is a good thing.

    Thanks for the heads up and the photos

  2. @LuckySod: Kinda… To be honest I never used to go there much, because a man without kids at WMP comes off like a pervert