What’s Coming to the Bouley Market Space

A little bird whispered into my inbox this morning that something is indeed happening at 120 W. Broadway (the southwest corner of W. Broadway and Duane). And it’s not a nail salon, a Subway franchise, or a children’s clothing shop!

It’s a Citibank branch.

I confirmed it with a Citibank employee at the branch over on Broadway, who said the word over there was that it might be open by December.

If you hear something about anything, pass it on: tribecacitizen@gmail.com. All tips are anonymous, unless you’d like it otherwise.



  1. Oh goody, just what we needed, yet another bank branch.

  2. That’s the last straw. I’m off to Zuccotti Park!

  3. I can’t believe Bouley is getting into banking. His banking hours are going to be so unpredictable.

  4. Given the outlook for the banking industry, I expect this space to once again be vacant by Dec. 2012

  5. oh no…. :(

    Can we have some diverse, interesting stores please? Not just nail salons and banks…

    (and it was such a beautiful place to sit with a flaky croissant and a coffee!)

  6. yawn…I wish the comments were more diverse and interesting.

  7. I guess this is what happens when people spend hours sitting in beautiful places with just a croissant and a coffee, eh…

  8. worst news ever.

  9. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  10. And I was just about to switch to Chase!

  11. Are you serious!!! Come on! That make three bankes within 50 yards of each other.

  12. TriBeCa is becoming more like the UES daily.

  13. That’s it. Tribeca’s over.

  14. Yes, UES daily!!! I wish the vacant stores would remain vacant so the neighborhood would remain Tribeca-ish/”Washington Market.” When did all of the idiots move into Tribeca?

  15. Don’t worry, I just heard from Bouley himself, it’s going to be a Japanese Bank. So we’re covered with the diverse & interesting requirements for the neighborhood. Everyone relax and go about your business and stop being so predictable. Peace & love, JIm.

  16. Amen, Mr. SMithers, Amen..