I Had an Idea…

Yesterday, I got a call from a reader who wondered if I had a classified-ad section because he was looking to sell a dining-room table. A week or so ago, a Tribeca business emailed saying it’s hiring, in case I was in the mood to mention it. A month ago, a reader emailed because she was hoping to sublet her apartment for two years while she moved somewhere free of IHOPs.

Adding classifieds doesn’t make sense for various reasons—not least of all my lack of interest in tracking down small amounts of cash—but I don’t like not being able to help people. Seriously! So I had an idea: If you want to run what would really be a classified ad—a line or two of text, to run once, at my discretion (probably in a Seen & Heard round-up)—send an email to tribecacitizen@gmail.com with the text, your publishable contact info, and an image (only if relevant! The table and the apartment would be OK, for instance). And promise me you’ll give $10 to the Friends of Hudson River Park.

I reserve the right to decide what qualifies for this deal. If for some reason you can’t abide the Friends of Hudson River Park, we can talk about a substitute charity, but not if it’s for Herman Cain’s 2016 presidential campaign. My desire to do a good deed has its limits.

P.S. Dining-table reader: You can have one for free because you inspired this idea.

P.P.S. The picture is of a crib that someone put on the street yesterday. Vicki Winters (@MyBigFatMouth) tweeted it in the hope it could find a good home.



  1. Great idea. It will be interesting to see what comes up on the list, and I hope Hudson River Park makes out like a bandit.

  2. Great idea!

    Re:the crib – even in TriBeCa, Picking up beds is unwise – bedbugs.

  3. You should make the $10. You work hard! I get that you don’t like “tracking down…” etc., but if you’re trusting people to send a check to a (fine) charitable organization, you could as easily trust them to send the check to you. You’re modest and generous, but wouldn’t Howard love a new chew toy now and then? This could be a significantly beneficial service, and you’re performing it! Anyway, just my thoughts.