Thirty Days of Art and Attitude

blog_thirtydays_grid_3Opening tomorrow, Apr. 8: Thirty Days NY, a pop-up gallery and performance space at 70 Franklin (between Church and Broadway) sponsored by Absolut, which presumably is looking to be cool again, but most of the people I know who order vodka by brand…. (No, I won’t say it.) I’m having a bit of trouble piecing it together—I guess I’m not the target demo—mostly because I don’t know what the entities called Family (a bookstore?) and Printed Matter are. Here’s a description of the pop-up on a blog called The Scout:

“Family, the Los Angeles equivalent to Printed Matter, is traveling across the country to host Thirty Days NY, starting this Thursday April 8th. They’ve taken over a 4,200 sq foot Tribeca storefront and converted it into a playground that will feature artists in residence, performances, readings, and of course a sampling of Family’s bookstore. The incredible line up will include a performance with Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon, rare and unseen short films presented by Aaron Rose, comedy by Fred Armison and Andrew Jeffrey Wright, Flickr films presented by Lance Bangs, a mystery night by Tim Barber, and much more. King Kong: An exhibition of art from Los Angeles will also be taking place, artists include, Geoff Mcfetridge, Brian Roettinger, Ashley Snow Macomber, Sergio Aragones, Pablo Ferro, Kyle Field, Hamburger eyes, Cali Thornhill Dewitt, Deanna Templeton, Ed Templeton, Rodarte, Autumn De Wilde. The event is sponsored by Absolut Vodka in conjunction with TBWA/Chiat/Day. See the progress of the space on Family’s blog. All events are scheduled to begin at 7pm at 70 Franklin Street.”

It sounds like quite the downtown hullabaloo, if such a thing as downtown can be said to exist anymore. I can’t figure out if the public is invited (UPDATE: “100%”), but on the Thirty Days site it says the gallery will be open daily noon to 9 p.m. (and until 10 p.m. on event nights), so I guess it is. Anyone care to go and report back?



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