Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous “Where in Tribeca…?” photos at pinterest.com/tribecacitizen/where-in-tribeca/ (just click on each photo twice to see the answer).

where in tribeca green cone 8913Update: Congratulations to Jim Smithers for correctly identifying the location of this green thingamajig—it is indeed on Duane, near Trimble Place. We’ll play again next week….

where in tribeca green cone answer



  1. Chambers Street by WashMarPar.

  2. @Smithers: Well, no, although you’re right in that there is one like it on Chambers (and I try not to run photos of places that exist in more than one spot).

  3. Ugh, you and your Reindeer Games!!! Duane Street by that other litte alley street thing.

  4. @Smithers: Sorry, I’m afraid that — nah, just kidding. You’re right.

  5. Thank you, I always felt in my heart that I was a Win-ner! I will be down at Duane Park feeding the pigeons and children if you want to drop of my winnings.