Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous “Where in Tribeca…?” photos at pinterest.com/tribecacitizen/where-in-tribeca/ (just click on each photo twice to see the answer).

where in tribeca notched metal 121013Update: Another stumper. It’s a detail from Beverly Pepper’s “Manhattan Sentinels,” sculptures outside Federal Plaza, on Broadway between Duane and Worth.

where in tribeca notched metal answer



  1. Gate entrance (west) of city hall park?

  2. Mercantile exchange

  3. @Rose: Nope, but thanks for guessing!

  4. Federal Plaza, off Worth St

  5. @Lara: That’s true, but I’m pretty sure I had already posted the answer when you commented…?

  6. Oh no – clearly didn’t read that!! And I was so pleased with myself that I could actually answer one….next time!