A Landmark Is Reborn

502 CanalParts of 502 Canal (a.k.a. 480 Greenwich) have been unveiled. You’ll recall that the building had been wildly neglected—it was basically falling apart, and then Sandy made the sitch much worse—until, finally, owner Ponte Equities agreed to step up. It’s looking wonderful! The drawing posted shows that the billboards are indeed going to be reinstated…. Seems a little at odds with a 1818 building, but, hey, what do I know. According to the signage, work will be completed this summer, and the building will be residential.

The New York Times ran a thorough recap of 502 Canal’s history in November of 2012.

502 Canal drawing

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  1. Walked by here the other day and couldn’t believe it was the same building. Best sow’s ear to silk purse conversion I’ve seen.

  2. Gorgeous. So happy to see this building didn’t end up a teardown. Well done.