In the News: SoulCycle Coping Mechanisms

••• The New York Times ran a 775-word article about how people are coping with the three-week closure of SoulCycle’s Tribeca studio. This is why people hate us. Also, was it not obvious that my “total Tribeca meltdown alert” was hyperbole?

••• Tribeca Trib reports on neighbors’ reaction to the design for Bogardus Park.

••• The history of the City Hall building. (See my photo tour of the inside here.) —New York Times

••• Elle Decor visits the Tribeca apartment of fashion designer Wes Gordon. Not enough pix for a Loft Peeping post, alas. (Photo by Brian Doben.)

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  1. Love the “This is why people hate us” comment.
    Think it was abundantly clear that your post on this once in a lifetime calamitous occurrence was just hyperbole…. But hey a mention in the NYT is still a mention :) take care…

  2. I guess the “us” is Tribeca residents. However, these Soul Cyclers who appear to believe the hype that has come to surround the neighborhood (thanks to ridiculous, and seemingly serious, articles like this in the NYT) are not of the Tribeca of 15 years ago when I moved here. My boyfriend’s reaction to the article was, “Wow, this piece is as good as the Amanda Culpepper spoof in Tribeca Citizen.” Makes me miss the old days when we had the Liquor Bar and Bazzinis instead of J. Crew and Whole Foods.

  3. I guess your hyperbole was more akin to fact. Reading that article made me wonder who in their right mind would use their real name or even admit to that? I mean it is one thing to be out of touch with the reality of 99% of the population, but another totally to be oblivious to it.

  4. The irony of the last one who needs to Uber to a bike riding class. And I work for her.