Where in Tribeca…?

I was walking around, wondering if I should pull the plug on this little game—it’s hard finding the right balance between too hard and too easy—when I noticed a weathervane (actually, I think it just points out the direction—no clue what that makes it)…. Know where it is? Please answer in the comments.

Congratulations to Jim Smithers, who guessed correctly—and who (like everyone else) is more than welcome to suggest possible “Where in Tribeca…?” locations. Just email me at tribecacitizen@gmail.com.

Previous “Where in Tribeca…?” posts (with answers):
• Blurry street
• Reddish wall
• Pizza sign
• Cigar smoker
• Circles
• STA OUT sign
• Another fire hydrant
• Fire plug
• Garden path
• College Place sign
• Smiling face
• Arrow
• Face on wooden door
• Painted thing
• Brick face
• Horseshoe
• Tiled doorstep
• Twine sign
• Tiled hydrant



  1. Nancy…zzzz…..Whiskey….zzzz….Pub. I am coming for the dog!

  2. Please don’t stop doing the photo contest. It’s the only thing I have! All your hard work is very appreciated.

  3. @Jim: Watch what you wish for: Last night the dog threw up on the duvet (again).