September 9, 2015 Community News, Construction, Real Estate, Restaurant/Bar News, Shopping
••• R. spoke with an assistant manager at the Food Emporium, who “said that the store was for sale, that he hoped ‘someone’ would buy it, and that it would for sure remain open until the end of October.” Gives me plenty of time to stock up on Biscoff cookies….
••• The top of 56 Leonard has been getting unveiled at a steady pace. It does indeed look more like the building we were promised—but do bear in mind that the lower parts of the building looked much better before they got glassed.
••• Houseman is now serving weekday lunch. The menu:
••• Whole Foods posted this coupon on its NYC Facebook page. Seems worth the trouble. (Anyone try redeeming it yet? Do you have to print it or just know the code?)
••• I think the Cosmopolitan Hotel’s new color is going to be a terrific improvement. It’d be great if they’d rekern the signs while they’re up there….
••• Can’t way to see how this plays out. It’s on Varick at Beach/Ericsson, where 1st Precinct officers and staff park wherever they heck they want.
••• The Unlimited Jeans store at 401 Broadway appears to be closing.
••• I didn’t know that Grandaisy only sells its Caprese sandwich during tomato season. Love that! More restaurants should just refuse to serve tomatoes if they’re not any good.
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Re: Food Emporium closing —
One word: well, two: TRADER JOE’S!
Google “Trader Joe’s: Location Request form”; then click on “Request a TJ’s in My City”, fill in the forms and then, in the comments box, tell them to move a.s.a.p. to Greenwich Street!!
Unfortunately the Food Emporium space seems much too small for a TJ’s as is, unless they vacate the apartments immediately above the store. Look at the TJ’s on 14th St., the lines there often stretch into the street. But we should still petition for one.
Northern Tribeca (aka Riverside Drive-by)- something to make me want to step foot up there.