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Oh, good point. I saw Ban + cast iron and read right over Reade... — Tribeca Citizen on In the News: Two Downtown connections to the best restaurants in NYC
You only get charged entering, and then only once a day. — Tribeca Citizen on Clarity — finally — on one angle of congestion pricing for Downtown residents
Has anyone noticed the graffiti on all 4 sides of the top floor of this building? One day I noticed these looking out of my window.. Makes you wonder who, when and how was this is not a priority, clearly — Pat Oliveira on Nosy Neighbor: Can’t we restore the sidewalk in front of 45 Park Place?
Let’s be real frank since you brought up politics. if you look at the top ten states with the highest GPF per capita most of them are blue states. If you look at the average income per capita, more states on that top 10 are blue states. red states have the weakest economies, the highest divorce rates, the biggest educational deficits. Red states have the highest rates of welfare recipient, highest rates of suicide deaths. highest teenage pregnancy rates. highest rates of poverty. Highest rates in gun shootings. highest Covid death rates. So basically why would anyone be voting republican? they want the whole country to be like red states? When you vote republican what policies are you actually voting for? — Sam on Barnes & Noble Tribeca will close next month
I expect it will take a little while for people to adjust their behavior, so it's probably too soon to make any assessment of the results of congestion pricing. — Marcus on Tracking the Congestion Pricing Tracker
This is not Cast Iron House — article says it is on Reade Street — Trimom on In the News: Two Downtown connections to the best restaurants in NYC
Enforcement goes down, crashes go up: "For 8 Months, Traffic Enforcement on New Jersey’s Highways Plummeted"...and immediately crashes went up — Marcus on Congestion pricing is here
I live on Spruce St. and take the FDR to the GW Bridge to drive to Albany. Returning same way, exiting the FDR at Exit 2. Will I be charged both ways? Or if I went to the Holland Tunnel to leave the city, would I be charged. — Dan on Clarity — finally — on one angle of congestion pricing for Downtown residents
@ Jill F: Are you sure you're being made to pay the congestion toll b/c of some unfortunate aspect of your garage's location? I'm trying to picture why that would be. Please let us know, thanks. — Komanoff on Congestion pricing is here
@Makes_You_Go + @Marcus: The value of busting license-plate tampering goes far beyond the added revenue from the congestion toll (and "incumbent" TBTA and Port Authority tolls). It has value in stopping these motoring miscreants from violating red-light and speeding laws that endanger and too often injure and even kill other road users. With NYPD having basically given up active enforcement of driver violations, automated, camera-based ticketing is the public's only line of defense, but it requires that license plates be visible and valid. — Komanoff on Congestion pricing is here
I wish they would have carved out some level of exclusion for downtown residents. While our neighborhood is mostly residential, it's still zoned commercial with no local alternate side of the street parking. When returning to manhattan, paying this fee to access my parking facility isn't sitting right. — Jill F on Congestion pricing is here
I can't tell how I feel about the apartment in Case Iron House. I like minimal, but it might be a tad too much for me. And for that money, I'd prefer to live deeper in the neighborhood, not on Broadway. That said, the light pink womb chair is fantastic. — malcolm on In the News: Two Downtown connections to the best restaurants in NYC
S, the stats are compared against a historical data from the year prior. From their website: "Our pre-Jan 5th averages are calculated for the first chart using about 16 weeks of pre-data to compare congestion zone routes prior to January 5th to dates after. We are averaging the same weekday across dates in May, June, July, August and December of 2024." — J on Tracking the Congestion Pricing Tracker
NO! Because the highways are exempt. And you can drive around the zone as much as you want as long as you don't leave it. — Tribeca Citizen on Congestion pricing is here
The charge from Monday showed up today but it was for $9... didn't reflect the $3 credit I should have gotten for going through the Holland Tunnel. — Makes You Go Hmmmm.... on Congestion pricing is here
The lenders have been trying to foreclose on the property for over 4 years, this has all been stalled by ny courts, which refuse to just settle this on a timely basis. Just more incompetent government in our state. — Reademan on Nosy Neighbor: Can’t we restore the sidewalk in front of 45 Park Place?
Though not much discussed in media, seems like there is a glut of restaurants/food places in quite a few parts of Manhattan. Restaurants/food places are competing against each other plus food delivery. This seems especially true in "FiDi" Fulton, John, Nassau, William Street plus the Seaport area. Fulton Street alone is basically one food place after another. On Beekman Street for example, there are 3 coffee places within 2 blocks. In the meantime, the only places to get housewares are Lot Less or the Real Deal LOL (or walk over to Target which has a limited selection) The amount of ecommerce delivery is incredible. In contrast, in areas like Greenpoint there is still retail - a full-size toy store, some cute gif shops.... Not everything can be a food place. Or nail salon. — Lisa on Retail Report Part 2: The Stats
It sounds like these developers are broke, so fining them is likely futile. But I suspect they owe real estate taxes to the City. I really don’t know anything about this, but I wonder if the City has tried to foreclose its tax liens on these properties. Doing that might bring things to a head and at least shift ownership to a new entity, with the possibility of completing the projects in some fashion and adding needed housing units. — SW on Nosy Neighbor: Can’t we restore the sidewalk in front of 45 Park Place?
There is an exemption for people with a disability that hinders their ability to take public transportation. Details are on the MTA website. — SW on Congestion pricing is here
I agree. Glad you said that. — SW on Congestion pricing is here
Isn’t West Street the same thing as the West Side Highway? This may be the source of my ongoing confusion…..If you have your car in Tribeca, then drive it across West Street to BPC, and then come back into Tribeca by re-crossing West Street, haven’t you entered the zone? Same question regarding the example someone else gave earlier: driving your car from Tribeca to West St. (exiting the zone, right?), then North on West St. to the Village, and re-entering the zone in the Village I’m missing why there’s no toll in either case. — SW on Congestion pricing is here
Milwaukee turned the "ghost signs" in their historic 3rd ward into a tourist attraction and made an app that augments them so you can see what the very faded ones looked like originally. Of course. the city had already protected the old signs. — N on No news is good news — for now — for West Broadway & Reade murals
Statistics can be manipulated. Is there a disclaimer for this data? What was the traffic level before Thanksgiving? Most tourists leave after New Year's, and many elderly people don't venture out during frigid weather. — S on Tracking the Congestion Pricing Tracker
I asked the security guy at the subway what he can do when people hop the turnstile or fare evade, he said he can only tell them to pay their fare. He can't ticket or enforce in any other way. Only the cops can issue fines. He is there more as a deterrent for people. So that's what the MTA is doing. I have seen cops ticketing kids who fare-evade. Again they ticket kids (mostly young male), not adults. So no worries, we're in good hands. — Hmmmm on Congestion pricing is here
Just please leave them as they are. No one needs new advertising. These are historic and lovely. Don't mess with them. — Alex in NYC on No news is good news — for now — for West Broadway & Reade murals