Seen & Heard: Bookstore Closed

••• It was ironic enough that beautiful, old 280 Broadway—a landmark owned by the city and treated carelessly (it’s had a sidewalk shed for, what, a decade?)—is home to the city’s Department of Buildings. But now it’s actually falling apart. “The subcellar ceiling is collapsing/deteriorating and HVAC dunnage has fallen from the ceiling,” reports N. “Apparently, the GGMC garage will be closed for at least a month.” The DOB report also mentions falling concrete slab.

GGMC garage 35 Reade 280 Broadway vacate order1 GGMC garage 35 Reade 280 Broadway vacate order2••• The Civil Service Book Shop at 38 Lispenard (and, before that, at 89 Worth for nearly six decades) has closed. DNAinfo ran a profile back in 2011.

Civil Service Book Shop on Lispenard••• Shelter Chic, the pet-rescue service/shop at 79 Chambers, is putting everything on sale in advance of its move at the end of the month. It’s not sure where it’s going; anyone with a retail space interested in helping out a worthy cause? P.S. I own this shirt and love it.

Shelter Chic11••• Friends of Washington Market Park is screening films in the park on Sept. 10 (Grease) and 17 (Raiders of the Lost Ark); both start at 7:30 p.m.

••• Neat time-lapse video going up the 56 Leonard hoist by David Buccola.

A video posted by David Buccola (@buddhagem) on



  1. I don’t usually go for slogan t-shirts, but that one is “killer”.
    Love it.

  2. A perfect illustration of how that inappropriate building towers over the neighborhood…
