Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments.

Update: Oops! I meant to save this as a draft, but instead I posted it—and then I took off for eight hours. Mike McCready is the winner, having guessed correctly (Staple Street near Jay) at 9:45 a.m. Because he has never commented before, I had to approve his comment before it would show up, so Jim Smithers thought he was the first to guess at 10:45 a.m. Apologies all around for the sloppiness.



  1. It’s Staple Street near Jay Street.

  2. Staple Street – between Jay & Duane

  3. I don’t believe your cover story. The boycott is back on.

  4. Goes to show you, Erik, how the nabe falls apart without you. First comment-gate, what’s next?