The 9/11 Memorial: A Photo Essay

Photographer Krystl Hall surprised me this morning with a batch of beautiful photos of the new National September 11 Memorial. As always, you can find more of her work on her Flickr photostream.

A bird's-eye view.

Even from high up, you can't see the bottom of the fountains. Their mysterious, unknowable depths are fascinating—and such a powerful metaphor.

The Serenity Prayer.

Visitors place mementos on the "survivor tree"—a callery pear tree rescued from the site ten years ago and nursed back to health, then replanted on this ground.

A small tribute.

Reflections in the new museum pavilion.

Many visitors have placed flags by certain names.

A yellow rose.

The Winter Garden dome, doubled.

The water is soothing—not as thundering as I expected it to be.

Skyline of flowers.

A reflected flag.

Reflections in water and glass.

Uncountable drops.

One World Trade reflected in the museum pavilion.

Making a rubbing of the text.

Another rubbing.

Aloha means hello and goodbye.

Linda June Sheehan lived on our floor. We didn't know her, but we helped rescue her cat from the deserted apartment.

The memorial park as seen from my living room window.

Previous photo essays by Krystl Hall
••• Backstage at “Tribute in Light”: Part 1 and Part 2
••• Heavenly Bells: Bell-Ringing at Trinity Church
••• Arriving at the New York Academy of Art’s Tribeca Ball: Part 1, Part 2, Part Shoe



  1. Awesome! Thank you for this article.

  2. The pictures and words capture the emotions of the site.A beautiful essay.