Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. (Don’t bother calling the number—it leads to Tribeca Barber Shop over on Beach.)

UPDATE: Congratulations to J Allen, who wins again! (Although only because I’m not being overly technical about it; the sign is indeed above Bu and the Duck, but it’s at 106 Franklin, not 105.)



  1. Broadway between Franklin and Leonard?

  2. I refuse to take part in these reindeer games until OccupyWallStreet leaves Zucotti Park. Has Alec Baldwin, Russell SImmons or even the Olsen twins visited the residents that have been tormented by this shanty town? The JOBS BILL cannot be voted on because of a filibuster, not because Wall Streeters are greedy zombies. “We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them…and every politicans’ 15 minutes are up!” – President Andrew Sheperd.

  3. @Andrea: Sorry, no. But good guess!

    @Smithers: I think Occupy Wall Street is one place that the Olsen twins could reliably go unnoticed. (Although I’m not sure the offer of free donuts—as one protester yelled at me today—would do much to entice either.) Besides, weren’t noted progressives Susan Sarandon and Kanye West enough for you?

  4. What?!! Why didn’t you mention the free donuts earlier?!! You always keep the really useful info to yourself. If the 99% really wanted to effect change they should have OCCUPIED FASHION WEEK. #OCCUPYBRYANTPARK. Now THAT would have really caused a stink and a “stink.”

  5. Above Bu and the Duck, 106 Franklin St?

  6. Erik, didn’t I write 106 Franklin? I think it’s a clean win!

  7. @J Allen: How did you go in and fix that?! Kidding….

