12 Tweets of Tribeca

1) I don’t necessarily agree.
2) If you’re on Twitter, follow @TribecaCitizen.
3) To find more of these posts, search “Tweebeca.”

Update: Comments have been turned off due to spam. To have them turned back on, email tribecacitizen@gmail.com.



  1. How do I go to previous editions of 12 Tweets?

  2. I think you should start a separate twitter called Tweebeca and just RT the good tribeca tweets you find or that people send to you (like humblebrag does) — just a suggestion! I’d follow it! :)

  3. @Sam: You can search the site for “Tweebeca” (sorry, that link was broken). @Annika: That’s a great idea, although I’m not sure I can handle one more Twitter feed at this time. I already get mocked for spending too much time on “the TweetDeck.” I’ll think about it….