In the News: 9/11 Museum Being Held Hostage?

••• “Gov. Cuomo is so angry about his dad being dissed by Mayor Bloomberg, he’s holding funding for the 9/11 Museum hostage until a new mayor is elected, sources told The Post.”

••• Eater interviewed restaurateur Drew Nieporent. Being interviewed sucks, but it does seem a missed opportunity that he couldn’t think of any restaurants in Tribeca to mention (when asked) besides the Odeon, the closing of 2Spaghi, and his own.

••• “Braulio Cuenca, 46, has shown up at the Manhattan Marriage Bureau every weekday morning for nearly 20 years, passing out business cards and hoping to catch a couple that needs to hire a wedding photographer.” —New York Times (the image is from Katie Orlinsky’s slideshow)

••• “CB1’s BPC Panel Mulls How to Work More Effectively with the BPCA.” —Broadsheet

••• “For most students, the last day of school is free of learning. But for New York Harbor School freshmen, there was hardly a break from the hands-on marine studies and trawling tasks.” —Tribeca Trib

