Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous Where in Tribeca…? photos at pinterest.com/tribecacitizen/where-in-tribeca (just click on each photo twice to see the answer).

The prodigal curmudgeon, Jim Smithers, wins it again: This is indeed on Hubert, near Washington. We’ll play again Friday at 8 a.m.



  1. Bike racks outside Barclay building?

  2. Hubert Street (near Washington) – Do you remember what Tribeca was like before bike stands? Before bikes? Before 1%-ers? Or 99%-ers? Before the loft-artists with their lofty sense of “art?” Before the Dutch settlers? The Native Americans would remember it well, if they weren’t politely asked to move along. Back then, “Tribeca” was gritty, with trees and dirt and grass and streams and wildlife and bee stings and poison ivy and non-poisonous ivy. Them were the good old days, before artists needed lofts to make their art and parents needed a PS 234.

  3. xoxoxox to Jim Smithers being back

  4. Are you Jim Smithers?

  5. Welcome back Jim…missed you!
