Looking for a Little Spontaneous Discovery?

This isn’t it, but it’s nearby.

A friend blogged about something interesting at Battery Park that I had never noticed before, so I went to check it out. Loved it! But when I called the Battery Conservancy for more info—such as how long it’s been there (since 2005, it turns out)—the organization’s founder and president, Warrie Price, pointed out that one of the main joys of the thingamajig is the sense of “spontaneous discovery.” Which is why it’s not mentioned on the Conservancy’s website. And which is why I’m being uncharacteristically vague.

I don’t want to oversell it—it’s not going to change your life or anything. But there’s something fun and musical and interactive in the part of the Battery—they’re trying to rebrand the park so people don’t confuse it with Battery Park City—called the Bosque. Look for the gravel paths toward the park’s eastern side, and you’ll be in the right area. Then look down.

I shot some video that I’ll post in a couple weeks. So you have at least 14 days till then to stroll down to the Battery—where the plantings are looking gorgeous, by the way. Because, really, couldn’t you use some spontaneous discovery?

(If you’re worried about going there just to see something you’ve known about for years, feel free to ask me by email if it’s what you think it is.)



  1. There are actually two of them . . . guess you still have something else to discover ;)

  2. @Matt: So Warrie told me! Discovering this kind of thing is what I love about NYC—there’s always something….