Request for Proposal: AT&T Long Lines Plaza

The AT&T Long Lines Building is a monstrous dead spot in an otherwise thriving community, and there’s nothing to be done about it. The public/private prison yard plaza to the east of it, however, is an opportunity waiting to happen. Currently, it only seems to get used by construction and city workers taking a break, and it’s often locked for no clear reason. But imagine the potential!

••• Should it be made greener?

••• Should films be screened there?

••• Should it be the site of a monthly flea market, à la Brooklyn Flea in Williamsburg?

This is an unofficial RFP: I have no doubts that AT&T doesn’t want anything done with the plaza, and the company probably thinks there are security reasons why even acknowledging that it exists is risky. But so what? Let’s dream! Besides, you never know.

P.S. If you’re old college buddies with someone important at AT&T, please put me in touch. If nothing else, I need to get inside that building.



  1. When you get your invitation for a visit:
    – wear earplugs. Apparently the fans to cool the equipment are deafening, and
    – take me

  2. All those dying trees and plants
    Disgusting behavior for AT&T

  3. When our eldest daughter was little, I tried taking her there with her new two-wheeler to learn how to ride it. No one is there and it is safe from traffic and doesn’t inconvenience walkers along a sidewalk. We were summarily kicked out because little bicycles for little people (or big for that matter but why would they be there?) are not allowed. Meanwhile, virtually no one is there! ATT got permission to build that tall tower by “giving” the park and then they created lots of ways so that the community couldn’t use it. Go for broke here! Cheers, Chris

  4. there should put a glass elevator on the outside and put a roof-top bar up there………………

  5. @Darcy: Now we’re talking!

  6. I didn’t even know it was possible to have public access. If that’s an public access space then they are doing something really shonky there!

  7. have you been able to get inside? i have been inside and it is a awful building. but i am writing my thesis in architecture about that building – so i would be glad if you could give me any helpful information …

  8. @Julia: No! I haven’t been inside! You know much more than I do….