Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous Where in Tribeca…? photos at pinterest.com/tribecacitizen/where-in-tribeca/ (just click on each photo twice to see the answer).

Update: RugRat (nice name) wins with 349 Broadway—I had the address as 93 Leonard, but I think they might be the same building, because Tsar’s website (it’s an Australian carpet company) says 349 Broadway. I kind of want the carpet in the photo to put outside my apartment….



  1. 349 Broadway ?

  2. Hmmm…let me google “Tsar carpet & Tribeca” and see what comes up. You can’t post photos where you can just google for the answer.

  3. Buzzkill strikes again

  4. @Buzz: I didn’t think it was a given that Tsar was a carpet company. Then again, even if you Google “Tsar” and “Tribeca” or “NYC,” it’s true that you’ll find a mention of Tsar Carpets and a Tribeca address. I generally hope that people won’t cheat, and if they do, well, no prize for them!

  5. I am purely trying to maintain the integrity of “Where in Tribeca?” I guess Smithers’ googler was in the shop.