Seen & Heard: Whole Foods Is Open

••• Two reminders that what is a major inconvenience for many of us is much, much worse for others. First, from the Battery Conservancy: “To date we have lost three mature trees, the fountain is flooded and our 92,000sf of gardens were covered by salt water until the surge receded. Top soil has been lost but no plants were uprooted and the gardens beds are all intact. If there was a glimmer of hope it was the sight of a completely dry sub structure basement of our amazing SEAglass. […] But we do have heartbreaking news to report, our main offices at One New York Plaza, Plaza Shop Level are completely submerged in flood waters. We have lost everything.  All our electronics, furnishings and most importantly our archives and history of 18 years of work are gone. Much critical information is on back up servers but the materials and memories of our journey til now have been literally washed away by the sea. We are looking for temporary space to keep our work force together and progressing.”

••• And this is from a locally owned store in the Seaport: “Our store did not survive Sandy. It’s absolute doom down there. All ground-floor places and stores were flooded with seven feet of petroleum-coated water. It looked like a bomb went off. Nothing salvageable. We lost everything, our fixtures, computers, all inventory (just fully stocked for Xmas). Our massive built-ins ripped out of the walls. It’s devastating.” (This was in response to my email this morning, which I’m sure felt like a slap to anyone in such a situation—I certainly didn’t mean it that way.)

••• Whole Foods Tribeca has reopened (cash only for now), and the World Financial Center and Century 21 are open.

••• Carol Adams at Torly Kid reports that she gave away almost 40 lbs of candy yesterday, but since this Halloween has been a bit disjointed, Stacy Cadolini of ROC wants to do it again: “Can you send a message out to reschedule Tribeca Halloween for Monday Nov 5, 3pm to 6pm trick or treating! Day after marathon, day before Election Day… and hopefully by then retail and restaurants are all settled somewhat…. Please help spread the word. Tribeca Halloween MONDAY!!!” Related from Kat Sosnick: “As soon as the power is back we will announce day and time of our annual Greene Street Haunted House for Kids.” (I told her about Stacy’s plans.) UDPATE: The Greene Street Haunted House for Kids will also be Monday 3-6 p.m.

••• Benares has an OpenTable page so maybe it’ll open once the power comes back on….

••• There’s a rumor around northwest Tribeca that Jay-Z bought a generator for his entire building.


1 Comment

  1. just used my credit card at whole foods!