Spelling Is Overeated Anyway

As I collected these, I realized certain errors are more noteworthy than others—when a new, funny-sounding word is created, for instance, or when the wrong word is used. Obviously, not everyone has been fortunate to have much of an education, and heaven knows I’m not adept in any language but English. So I offer this not in a spirit of meanness—after all, it’s not as if I haven’t made a boolper or two—but in  a spirit of let’s all just laugh as much as we can.

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••• I Put a Mispell on You



  1. You just walk around all day? Get a job

  2. @ Get a job What a miserable, pathetic person. Lighten up.

  3. @jammypup: Don’t talk to my mom that way!

  4. Haha. Sorry Erik’s mom.

  5. The comments section can be a happy place, even when it’s not.