Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous Where in Tribeca…? photos at pinterest.com/tribecacitizen/where-in-tribeca/ (just click on each photo twice to see the answer).

Update: That’s two weeks in a row that no one has guessed correctly (although this was a tough one). The location is actually rather close to the Holland Tunnel; the Port Authority police may have confiscated it by now….

where in tribeca yellow birdhouse answer



  1. bogardus garden?

  2. @Andrea: Nope. Although there was once a “Where in Tribeca…?” about a dilapidated birdhouse there

  3. I thought maybe it was visited by Extreme Makeover (birdhouse edition).
    I’ll give this more thought…….

  4. So will you tell us where this was taken? Washington Market Park?

  5. @Tribeca Resident: Not in WMP, and yes, I’ll reveal the answer at the end of the day (in case it comes to anyone…)

  6. easy…across from the police station on varrick. Kids at TCS put it up

  7. @kiff: It doesn’t count if you guess after I’ve posted the answer

  8. Easy – across from the 1st precinct!!! Russell Crowe whittled it during his brief incarceration in 2005. Side note – The Friends of HRP plan on buying hundreds of these bird houses from Crowe and/or his surrogates to decorate the length of the HRP to attract birders from around the globe. That is, if the NID tax-a-palooza is approved. If CB1 members vote against the NID, will they still be invited to galas, wine tastings, check out my seer-sucker suit and loafers without socks get-together-pose-for-pictures paloozas?