How’s Asphalt Green Working Out for You?

Asphalt Green lower level fitness roomAsphalt Green Battery Park City has been open for a month now. So what do you think?

Asphalt Green swimsuit dryerI’m not just trolling for engagement—I only use the pool, which I love, so I really don’t know how the rest of the facility is going over. At first, I was perturbed by a few things in the locker room (and not just that my lock wouldn’t fit in the lockers): There were no hooks right outside the showers, only at the end of the shower hall (that was subsequently fixed), and there was no body lotion in the men’s room (also fixed, possibly because I utilized the suggestion box, although possibly not, because I also requested Kleenex…). But the staff has been genuinely warm, the pool is fantastic (I like to swim fast, so I’m thrilled that there’s a fast lane that has mostly been respected), and there’s even a swimsuit dryer in the locker room, which is ♥♥♥ the best thing ever ♥♥♥. That’s it pictured above right.

I’ve only been on weekday mornings, so maybe it changes after work and on weekends, but the place—the aerobic/weights area, in particular—has felt empty to me. Am I wrong? What do you think?

Asphalt Green lower level main pool

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  1. Just quit Equninox after many years to join Asphalt. Price is a lot better and it’s the only pool I’ve been to in NYC that isn’t in a basement. Gym area on a Friday night was quiet but I feel like I’m the only one left in Tribeca on weekends anyway.

  2. I think their equipment area is excellent but their change rooms do let them down. I wish they just kept a pile of towels in there, so if you needed another one, you weren’t stranded. And because there are children as well as adults using the change rooms, I wish they had done what some gyms do which is have a small alcove before each shower where you can dry in privacy. These change rooms don’t feel at all private, with noisy kids often running around. They need better hair dryers and better moisturizer, and a roll of plastic bags to put wet/smelly clothes in.

    But the exercise equipment is fabulous and the pool is great too. Now I want the day time water aerobics classes to start!

  3. My girlfriend and I use their exercise equipment regularly. Overall, I think the place is a good bargain compared to Equinox and feels much cleaner than NYSC. With that being said, I have a few complaints:

    1) There’s no water fountain inside the gym area. You have to go outside and swipe your badge to get back in. They added vending machines so that’s something.

    2) They are missing a lot of free weight equipment: an incline bench, curl bars, 2.5 lb weight increments, etc. Perhaps free weights aren’t their focus, but it would be nice to see a few more.

    3) It’s really hot to run. They have air conditioner so they just need to crank it up.

  4. I am there often and I love it. My son is at camp, which both he an I love. I have worked out in the gym, which has consistent users, but not crowded and no waiting for machines, which is a real plus. I have also taken a number of the adult fitness classes that have all been well attended, a great workout and fun. I am not much of a swimmer, so I haven’t tried the pool, but there always seems to be people swimming laps in there. I love all the light in the facility, it really makes working out a pleasure.

  5. Come join Manhattan Youth

  6. Yesterday I was surprised to see two of the pool lanes taken by teaching (why two people total needed two combined lanes, I don’t know) and then family rec swim, so I realized I must have had an outdated schedule. Sure enough, AGBPC did change the pool schedule, and now the lap-swim lanes are down to 3-4 for much of the day. This raises a concern I’ve had from the start: that “programming” will end up taking precedence over simple, straightforward use of the facilities.

  7. I agree that the pool is beautiful and I’ve used it several times to swim laps. Overall, it’s a great exercise facility, but not really a community center. With membership, there is free adult swim all day, access to the cardio and weight equipment, and free adult classes. For families, access is very limited. All of the kids classes are pretty expensive, particularly when you factor in the monthly membership fee. Really, it’s just a BPCA subsidized alternative to Equinox.

  8. It’s a beautiful facility and the staff have been very nice, but I second Ellen’s comment that family rec time is very limited. The only time my children can swim in the pool, without joining an expensive class, is on the weekend. I’m checking out Downtown Community Center which seems more focused on families.

  9. @Jennifer: DCC may very well be a better choice for families, but just FYI, when I was swimming at AGBPC on Monday, there was family rec swim in two lanes. I think it was around 11am. It’s not labeled as such on the lap pool schedule, so you may want to ask.

  10. I am curious when is the least crowded time for adult lap swimming?

  11. I think AG is VERY family friendly. My son is 7 years old and we spend hours there every Saturday and every Sunday. We do family swim and then play basketball, football etc. during the open gym time. We are not alone in doing that; there are a bunch families doing the same and both the parents and kids have a blast.

    I look forward to signing him up for classes in the fall. It is great to have access to very high caliber sports instruction in our neighborhood. It saves me 2 trips a week to Chelsea piers!

  12. I quit Equinox for AGBPC too. To be honest, Equi was getting sloppy and overcrowded. AGBPC (to me) is a much better value. So my review — staff and pool are superb. From front desk to maintenance, everyone is super nice. “A” grade on that.

    The weights area is a tad small. I wish they had an extra bench or a better selection of weight machines (in addition to the usual lat pull down, bicep curl, etc.) That said — their dumbbells range from like 2 lbs to 100 lbs, which I’m very psyched abt. That should be fine for most ppl. “B+” overall there.

    Locker rooms are meh. (“C+” at best.) They are small (your clothes are gonna be wrinkled all day if you’re over 6′ tall and wearing a suit or come winter — an overcoat). Steam room is nice though, and sowers are spacious.

    Depending on when you go — it can sometimes feel that there are more kids than adults. I guess I’m not used to that from my gym.

    Last thing — I hate that their programming is kind of pricey. $62 for 1/2-hour one-on-one swim class is pretty steep.