Found Anything Good Lately?

metal spiral on Warren 81213Years Decades ago, in San Francisco, my friend Kristen noticed a small sculpture resting on a newspaper box: a female figurine made of wire mesh. I was utterly delighted by it—so much so that Kristen gave it to me. Ever since, I’ve hoped to find more cool stuff just waiting to be scooped up. And it never happens. OK, not never, but so rarely—especially considering how much I walk around here and how closely I’m looking—that it’s practically never. All of which makes my few finds especially precious. About a year ago, I came across a piece of hardware (below) that appeals to me for reasons I can’t quite explain; I use it as a paperweight. A couple months ago, in the East Village, I spotted an artwork by Jim Joe sitting by a lamppost (my parents still think I’m crazy for lugging it around all afternoon). And the other day, on Warren, I discovered the metal spiral pictured above.

And that’s it. Were things better in Old Tribeca? (I have to think they were.) I’m not asking rhetorically: Have you found anything great on the street around here? Send me photos:

screw nut thing 81313Dogs Paint in Their Heads Jim JoeUpdate: After I wrote this, I came upon a note discovered in Tribeca by @Aisha1908. I would frame it so fast….

note courtesy aisha1908UPDATE: “My wise grown daughter spied this on the street two years ago,” emailed Wickham Boyle. “It was in pieces and my husband put it together in a jiffy. It is beautiful comfortable a real treasure. All our dining chairs were found on the street. Old oak chairs I refinished them and they, although each is different, form a perfect set.” Love it! Come on, people! Tell me what you’ve scavenged! There’s no shame in it!

found chair courtesy Wickham BoyleUPDATE 8/21: “I pick up things in the street every day,” says Jane Freeman. “Here’s one street-combing yield.”

courtesy Jane Freeman


1 Comment

  1. Love these! I’m going to increase my sidewalk and gutter gazing from now on.
    BTW I think the metal spiral is construction debris – the trimming from a cut pipe (in case you didn’t know).