November 11, 2013 Restaurant/Bar News
The revised Community Board 1 agendas for November included this for the Tribeca Committee on Wednesday, Nov. 13:
5 White Street, application for a liquor license for an entity to be formed by Roberrt [sic] Collins – Resolution
5 White is the side entrance (pictured below) for Churrascaria Tribeca (the main entrance is at 221 W. Broadway). Seeing as how the Brazilian steakhouse is at the renew-or-leave 10-year mark—it opened in 2004—I think we can infer that someone else is taking over the space. We’ll find out more on Wednesday, unless the application gets postponed.
It’s a big, prominent spot, so if you live on or near that block, you might want to come to the meeting to learn more about the ungoogleable Robert Collins and his plans. (For all we know, he wants to move the entrance to White.) Obviously, if you know anything, hit me.
And in the meantime, Churrascaria Tribeca is still very much open.
UPDATE: See Alan’s comment below: Collins is evidently the GM of Lure in Soho and affiliated with Josh Capon of Burger & Barrel. I called Lure today to see if he’d talk, but they said he’s out till tomorrow.
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Robert Collins is the GM of Lure Fishbar and affiliated with Josh Capon re Burger & Barrel.
Lure in SOHO is a great little “secret”(well not really anymore – popular!)
.. hopefully something just as nice pops up here.
Sad to see all the argentinian places closing down though
Tribeca needs something like B&B in the hood, great to hear they are coming to our area. Maybe it’s El Toro Blanco Tribeca?