Seen & Heard: Pop-Up Art Gallery

Gerben Fine Art courtesy J••• J. noticed that artist Paul Gerben has popped up a gallery in the Western Union building at 60 Hudson (on the W. Broadway side, where the hardware store was).

••• Asphalt Green is running an online auction to benefit its many kids programs. Bids for a lesson with Olympian Matt Targett (right) start at $200, although it’s unclear whether he’d be fully clothed or not.

••• Menswear brand Askov Finlayson is opening a pop-up shop inside Shinola. Not sure how long it’s there for, but the opening party is tonight, and you must be invited because Finlayson tweeted the RSVP info (

••• Thanks to Andrea for this photo of the new bike lanes being painted on Varick.

Varick bike lanes by Andrea



  1. What a shameless, shameless way to drive up the bids for the Asphalt Green auction. Love it.

  2. Let the bidding begin!!! In addition to a swim lesson with the very easy on eyes, Matt Targett, they have some other great items and it goes to a great cause.

