Seen & Heard: World Trade Center Transportation Hub

••• If you haven’t been down there lately, check out the World Trade Center transportation hub. It’s coming together….

water pipe break 12514••• “Construction guys on Franklin and Broadway broke open a huge water pipe,” emailed a reader last night. Break out the salt!

••• Still no guesses on yesterday’s Where in Tribeca…? It is a pretty one, no? I kind of want to buy it.

••• North End Grill’s Sunday Family Dinner is getting pretty edgy, at least with the sides. (Have I told you lately how much I enjoy the Sunday Family Dinner? It’s a terrific deal.)

north end grill

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1 Comment

  1. The official WTC website calls for the Federal Transit Administration to develop “future transportation services” at Ground Zero.

    New York senate bill 4912 legalizes autonomous, self-driving cars on the state’s roadways.

    Ground Zero is becoming the World Transportation Center (WTC), epicenter of an ever-expanding, universal MagLev infrastructure that guides and propels driverless cars.