In the News: Kindergarten Applications Are Up Over Last Year

••• A sneak peek inside Marc Forgione’s cookbook, which comes out April 29. —Eater

••• “Downtown’s elementary schools have once again been flooded with more kindergarten applications than available seats—with an even larger overflow than last year.” —DNAinfo

••• Quiznos is heading for bankruptcy. Could this have something to do with the franchsie on Chambers closing “because of the construction”? —Wall Street Journal

••• Hassan Hajjaj’s show at Taymour Grahne Gallery gets a rave from the New York Times.

••• “The overnight homeless population on the [E subway] line has risen in recent weeks along with rider complaints regarding the cleanliness of the trains at its two terminals: World Trade Center and Jamaica, Queens. Agency officials though opted not to follow through with a plan to both address sanitary issues on the train and connect sleeping homeless with local ‘hospitals, transportation and housing’ services.” —Downtown Express

••• “Joseph Morrone, a former Southbridge Towers board president, pleaded guilty on Friday morning to felony grand larceny after stealing $109,000 in Social Security disability benefits, according to the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.” —Downtown Express

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1 Comment

  1. Quizno’s fortunes turned the day they made the insane decision to give up the spongemonkeys ( ). They’ve only themselves to blame.