The Base of 1 World Trade Center Lights Up, Too

1WTC base lighting straight by empath3000It was news to me. Evidently the base lights were being tested yesterday (green for St. Patrick’s Day?). Thanks to Doug Smith for the photo!

UPDATE: I just remembered that I took a photo of the base (unlit) the other day:

1WTC base

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  1. At this website a story with a little information about the green glass.

  2. Yes, it must have been a St Patrick’s day display. I’ve seen another test a couple of days ago. Back then the base color was blue, but they changed the color and the brightness of the display. It looked pretty impressive.

  3. I just saw the base lights animating, vertically like a sound meter display, the colour was a light baby blue/mauve…Looked kinda cool, except when I went to take a photo it stopped!!