Ashiya Sushi Has Closed

“Ashiya Sushi at 374 Greenwich Street has been cleared out,” emailed Tribeca Tipster. “I passed by it the night before last and there was nothing in there.” Sure enough, the phone has a voicemail that hasn’t been activated.

It’s not a big surprise, as I had heard a while back that at least two storefronts in that strip would be opening up—and that the landlord was looking for more upscale tenants. UPDATE 6/30: “Heard that Kim’s cleaners leaving also,” commented Marla.”Moving North to Canal.”

Also, Ashiya went through a real scraping-the-bottom phase, which is never a good sign. From the March 2012 Community Board 1 unofficial minutes:

A resident of Independence Plaza North came to list the complaints: extremely drunk young people throwing up, leaning on store windows, screaming that can be heard all over, the pounding of “sake bombs.” (You pound the table until sake falls into a beer, and then you chug.) And sex on the benches outside! It does sound pretty awful, more so if you scroll through the reviews on Yelp. A favorite: “If you’re looking to fall while walking home, then come here. If you enjoy eating a shit load of sushi while chugging beers, then come here. If you’re looking to blackout then pee in a subway station, then come here prior to doing that stuff.

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  1. Speaking of that strip, what’s the latest on Peace & Love?

  2. when is KIm’s moving i better get my dry cleaner out of there, i don’t want to be trucking to canal street to pick it up? tks.

  3. I asked the guys at Kim’s Cleaners and they said everyone in that stip has to move but it won’t be until the end of the year. Exact date TBD.

  4. Hopefully NOT the Tribeca Deli :(
    That would be sad…. for the neighborhood.