Seen & Heard: Gingerbread Condominium

••• Check out the gingerbread version of 60 Beach a reader made! Impressive!

60 beach gingerbread••• Press release: “Ilegal Mezcal has curated a pop up shop to share some of their favorite brands and talents with New York City. From Thursday, December 11 to Sunday, December 14, the Ilegal Social Club at 1 Worth Street will be transformed into a coffee shop, concert venue, art gallery, leather boutique, antique store, vintage guitar haven, motorcycle shop, bakery and cocktail lounge. Coffee by day, cocktails by night. Music at all hours will be curated by Atypical Beasts and Ilegal Mezcal, featuring live performances by City of the Sun, Oh, Cassius!, Dela Grove, Austin Wender, Kat Quinn and Christopher Paul Stelling.” Details.

••• So the Peebles Corporation can run power through every floor of 346 Broadway (a.k.a. 108 Leonard) except the clocktower? (Ever since power was cut, the mechanism has to be wound by hand, which is why we’re not hearing the bells.) Thanks to Charles Eshelman for the photo.

Clock Tower••• A question for those of you who get newspapers delivered the old-fashioned way. Every year, we receive a strange solicitation for tips from Mitchell’s delivery service. It’s strange because it announces “This is not a Solicitation for Gratuities,” even though that’s exactly what it is—complete with reply envelope—but also because you’re instructed to make a check out to “DELIVERY PEOPLE.” I’d rather hand the DELIVERY PEOPLE cash, but the Wall Street Journal (which is what this is about) arrives far to early. Does anyone else get this solicitation? Do we believe the DELIVERY PEOPLE get the money? Mitchell’s says the checks are pooled.

••• Well, that settles that. (Hey, maybe Wendy’s can open there instead of around the corner on Broadway? This location gets far more foot traffic from students….)




  1. The Clocktower bell rang just once last week, that I am aware of. It seems some experimentation may be taking place. I have always marked my day by the bell and would like to continue to hear it, but I suspect those living right beneath or across the street from it might feel differently. I’d assumed from the first that the developer of the new residence across Leonard street exerted some influence.

    • It did ring once. I live directly across from it and really enjoyed hearing the bell. I hope it comes back.

    • I live right across from the clocktower and love it – we really miss the bells. You’re right, it did ring once last week and we nearly jumped off the sofa in surprise/excitement. Come on Peebles Corp, you’ve given us enough noise pollution working on that building until 4am in the morning, do something decent/right for a change.

  2. I’m not even sure that it’s Mitchell’s that delivers our papers. We get that envelope too, but I get another one from the carrier, and THAT’S the one I use.

  3. The 60 Beach rendering is fabulous!!! My kids are in love with it!!!

  4. I get the same Mitchell’s notice every year and I also find a holiday card slipped into my paper by a delivery person. The card has their home mailing address. However, in my building (and most doorman buildings, I think), the papers get delivered in a stack to the lobby and it’s our building porters who bring them to each apt door before the crack of dawn. So I make sure to factor that into what I tip the porters and I don’t send anything to Mitchell’s or the person on the holiday card.
