In the News: 1 World Trade Center Review

••• New York Times architecture critic Michael Kimmelman reviews 1 World Trade Center, finds it lacking. His review is more about the process behind how the building came to be and less about whether it itself works. I have issues with much of the overall complex—especially the degree to which it’s being rewoven into the fabric of the city—but I’ve come around on the tower. To complain it’s symmetrical and not like the Shard in London overvalues a temporary sense of freshness. (Although he’s certainly right that the antenna is a missed opportunity.)

••• The New York Times visits Meredith Monk (whose Tribeca loft got the video treatment a couple weeks back) and looks back at her 50 years of work.

••• “A guard who refills ATMs for a living learned a valuable lesson Friday afternoon when he left his armored cash van parked outside a building in Battery Park—and it got towed.” —New York Post

