The Chambers Reconstruction Is Finally Ending

This just in from the city’s Department of Design and Construction: “Two-way traffic (east and westbound) is anticipated to return to Chambers Street between Broadway and West Broadway by the close of business on Friday, May 22, 2015. […] Your patience, cooperation, and understanding has been greatly appreciated throughout the duration of the Chambers Street Reconstruction Project.”

(Pictured above: That time an SUV drove into the trench.)

Next up: Worth Street.

2015  05-22-15 Chambers Street Two-Way Traffic copy



  1. I hope that includes re-paving the street, which is a mess.

  2. Just to jog our pained joint memory bank how long has this Chambers saga been going on , from the time destruction first started.

  3. It started in summer of 2010, according to the PDF on the project* I found by Googling “DDC Chambers reconstruction”), and it was scheduled to end in the summer of 2013.

