June 8, 2015 Construction, Real Estate, Restaurant/Bar News, Shopping
••• The show unveiling of 11 N. Moore is picking up steam. Gotta say, I like it (the weather this morning didn’t help the photo). Between this, the Sterling Mason, maybe 290 West (still hidden), and the renderings for 403 Greenwich and 83 Walker, architect Morris Adjmi’s success rate is admirable.
••• I think someone mentioned this in a comment, but in case they didn’t or you didn’t read it: Gourmet Garage has moved refrigerated cases into its new space at Broadway and Franklin (a very good sign).
••• That last building sure didn’t take long to tear down.
••• If you wondered why so many costumed kids were roaming the streets this weekend, no, Halloween has not been expanded to a twice-annual affair. It was Downtown Dance Factory’s big recital weekend, with around 1,300 dancers.
••• Noteworthy comment from Rohin: “Was at Le District today and our waiter advised that they will be serving cocktails only outside starting tomorrow (Monday).”
••• PSA from Alex Barnes…. I was torn between mentioning this (because I know a lot of folks are excited about it) and ignoring it (because I haven’t forgiven Amazon for that screwing-writers thing and these kinds of services are neighborhood killers).
••• Added to the agenda for the Community Board 1 Landmarks Committee meeting on June 11: “13 Worth Street, reconsideration of resolution.” No clue what that means.
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