Seen & Heard: Ticker-Tape Parade for World Cup Champs?

••• The Public Art Fund’s new sculpture show is up at City Hall Park. Two thoughts: 1) If a group show has a theme, that theme should probably be discernible from looking at the art; 2) I wish they would install art all over the park and not just in the southern part—more people travel along the Broadway and Park Row edges than through the fountain plaza.

Public Art Fund sculpture show City Hall Park••• Gran Morsi chef Kenneth Johnson will be on “Beat Bobby Flay” on the Food Network this Thursday, July 9, at 10 p.m. It’s not clear what Johnson gets to beat Flay with…. Wooden spoon? Box grater? Rubber mallet? I guess we’ll have to watch and see!

••• Press release: “Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer today asked Mayor de Blasio to authorize a ticker tape parade along the Canyon of Heroes in Lower Manhattan to honor the U.S. Women’s National Team, who won the 2015 FIFA World Cup yesterday. In a letter addressed to the mayor, Brewer wrote: ‘New York has a strong history of honoring sports teams in the Canyon of Heroes, but has never held a parade to honor a women’s team….'” Seems like a no-brainer. UPDATE: The parade is Friday.

••• This is what I’m talking about: “Tonite” means nothing without a date, and it proves that we’re not getting 48 hours’ notice, as the Made in NY rep said we should.

Tallulah••• The restaurant coming to the old Ivy’s space at 385 Greenwich posted notices about Wednesday’s CB1 meeting. The only new news there is that the requested serving hours will be 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Wait, 8 a.m.?! And closed Sundays?

385 Greenwich notice••• I posted the answer for last week’s stumper of a Where in Tribeca…? Let’s try harder on Friday, OK?

••• Joseph Barretto‘s photo of El Luchador makes me think we need to check the place out. It’s at John and South streets.

••• City of Water Day is July 18; here’s what’s happening at the Lilac, docked at Pier 25: “A full afternoon of activities starting at 1 p.m. will continue into the evening until 8 p.m.: Learn to swear tie knots like a sailor with Lilac crew and participate in sailing demonstrations by Sailors NYC on board or join Hudson River Park educators for fishing lessons on the pier. Back on deck, characters costumed in nautical garb from the Broadway show On the Town will pose for photos with visitors from 1 to 3:30. At 7 p.m. the Lilac Arts Series offers a performance by Brendan Fernandes with Ryan Josey. Enter drawings for prizes including On the Town merchandise and tickets, a one-year membership or sailing lessons from Sailors NYC, and Lilac shirts.”



  1. 8AM. Its what’s for breakfast.

  2. I wish that we could eliminate all sculpture form City Hall Park. Those of us who live around the park have no other place to have communion with nature. A better expenditure of money and effort would be to improve the flora of the park. The plantings in the park are not well maintained and I would much prefer to be surrounded by beautiful flora, birds and squirrels than more steel sculpture. I have nothing against sculpture but think it is nice to have some modest little space to commune with nature. Sculpture can be placed outside the west side of the park where the sidewalk is verry wide.

    • I live across form the park, and while we disagree about sculpture, I wholeheartedly agree that the landscape maintenance has become a disgrace.

      • I always see workers doing plantings, and I’m grateful that there is something considering the budgets required to maintain. The winter was brutal on the stone pavements, so that will be an expensive fix. What I have noticed with the influx of new neighbors is the total disregard by pet owners. Some let their little angels crap on the grass despite the sign beside them that forbids it, and the ones who let them sneak a foot under the chains to mark their spot.
