Good News for Chicagoans

Remember how we heard that a sandwich shop was opening in the former Quiznos space at 84 Chambers? It’s going to be Hank’s Juicy Beef‘s first brick-and-mortar restaurant. HJB specializes in “authentic Chicago-style Italian Beef sandwiches.” From the website:

Hank is the nickname of Henry Tibensky—mover, shaker, and Italian beef maker.

Hank was born and raised in Oak Park, Illinois, the “epicenter of ‘beef’ culture” in Chicagoland. Surrounded by some of the awesomest Italian beef places in town, Hank lived and loved the beef experience his entire life, as did his parents and grandparents, friends and out-of-town’rs.  In fact, Hank’s aunt’s family owned and operated a beef and pizza place, Vito’s, on Chicago’s west side for 30 years.

Building on three generations of beef know-how, Hank has rejuvenated and reinvigorated his family’s old-school recipe for the modern day. After slow-roasting the beef, Hank slices it paper thin, adds the highest-quality ingredients, and marinates it in his special au jus. HJB is served hot and juicy, topped with spicy or mild giardiniera (pickled vegetables), on a plump Italian-style roll.

No word on when it will open.



  1. I’m as totally sold by the notion of three generations of beef know-how as I am taken by the sweep of interpretations “beef know-how” might have. And yet, somehow, I suspect I won’t be a patron. Good luck to them though. And to Hank’s children, as I’d imagine succeeding three generations of beef know-how must be an onerous responsibility.

  2. “Mover, shaker and Italian beef maker.” I like this guy already. Story headline should read, “Good News For Tribecans.”

  3. One day I hope lower Manhattan can be considered the legitimate “epicenter of ‘beef’ culture”.

  4. Meat me in Tribeca.

  5. If you’ve ever had these delicious sandwiches (which I have). Then you’re surely elated about this wonderful news! Heading back to TriBeCa for HJB as soon as it opens! Best news all week!

  6. This is the most wonderful news!! I had one of these sandwiches at LIC Flea this summer and kept going back. Hank definitely knows what he is doing – it is a very unique sandwich, like nothing i have ever had before. I cannot wait to have a place where I can regularly get this amazing creation. Thank you, Hank!!

  7. I hope there is a decent amount of good house music to listen to as I eat my beef. I’ve been waiting years for a good beef joint to come to the area.

  8. I can’t wait to visit Hank’s Juicy Beef! I love Italian beef! I’ve had HJB before (awesome!) and can’t wait until I can make it out to NYC!

  9. We got a sneak peek of HJB at Olo HQ the other day: catered by Hank himself. Damn, this stuff is good. Get fired up, Tribeca!
