November 16, 2015 Arts & Culture, Events, Real Estate, Restaurant/Bar News, Services
••• A reader noticed that Brooklyn Barge Bar is moored at Pier 25. Its Facebook page says it’s spending the winter in Kingston, so presumably it won’t be in Tribeca for long.
••• The ice rink at Brookfield Place is supposed to open
today, this week, but since it’s “weather permitting,” it may get postponed. From the press release: “The 7,350 sq. foot outdoor skating rink offers a variety of programs suitable for all ages and skill levels in partnership with United States Olympians Melissa Gregory and Denis Petukhov, [who] will host various ice skating programs throughout the winter season including weekly Learn to Skate classes, Mommy/Daddy & Me skating, Corporate Skate Events, private lessons as well as US Figure Skating Skate Fest, a one-time free class offered three Saturdays throughout the season: November 28, December 5, and January 9. [Also, the rink] will host Kick Ice Hockey Fitness, a state of the art program to improve hockey skating skills and power.” Hours and prices are here. And an email from Battery Park City Authority said that “Free weekday skating will be offered to BPC residents through December 22 with proof of address (zip codes 10280, 10281 and 10282). Excludes holidays.” UPDATE: K points out that there’s no sign of the rink, which made me wonder if I misread the press release (you would, too, if you had to read press releases). And I did! It says it’s opening this week, so at least the headline is accurate. And the BPCA email says the opening date is Nov. 21.
••• The Tribeca Meet & Greet, organized by the BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, is this Wednesday at City Pole (8 Beach) from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.: “Come with ideas or just come to shake hands—let us know how we can work together as businesses, families or individuals.”
••• The Downtown Alliance upgraded its fleet of Downtown Connection shuttles.
••• Last week’s Where in Tribeca…? is looking like a stumper. Here’s a hint: You can see it from the sidewalk, and on a busy street, no less.
••• Here’s how the Two Hands restaurant at 251 Church is coming along.
••• 148 Duane, where Bikini Bar is, has been put on the market as a conversion from rentals to condos. From the press release: “the owner has already obtained all of the various approvals and permits to renovate the entire property and transform it into the leading luxury building in the area. Additionally, the property has more than 1,873 square feet of air rights that may be utilized upon further approval.”
••• Silentó of the mega-hit “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” stopped by Downtown Dance Factory to teach a group of students how to “whip” and “nae nae” for a segment on Brazilian TV network Globo.
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Where is the ice rink? I see nothing set up.
brookfield place they were setting up this morning they had a tent up by the water. close to PJ Clarks
There’s a HUGE white tent structure set up by the marina, not sure how anyone can miss it.
Word is that the tent is for this:
Yeah, sorry. You’re right. I walked by a couple of days ago and there were some people going in and out of the tent and a few of them had a badge that had the pinkish “museum of feelings” logo on it.
Ice rink wasn’t there this afternoon. Guard I talked to a few days ago said the tent was for a “museum.”
Did we know that the Posman space was turning into Brookstone? Signage is up. It’s turning into Pier 17!
The women’s Club Monaco opened Friday; men’s will be “this week.”