Tara of Tribeca Has Closed

“The word is that Tara has already closed,” emailed B. yesterday, referring to Tara of Tribeca at 20 Warren and how it only opened in September. I was going to check it out when I got back into town, and then Ruben commented this: “I have attempted lunch 3 times during Mondays and Tuesdays, during the past two weeks and doors are closed.” And then Declan, who sounds like he was affiliated with Tara, replied with this: “Tara’s a Gem of a Pub with spectacular dining (Chef CIA Grad) has unfortunately not lasted. Scaffolding and truck parking has taken it’s toll Try the Killarney Rose in FiDi same family owned.”


1 Comment

  1. Although I knew otherwise, the signage on that place kept reminding me of some seedy strip club.

