Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous “Where in Tribeca…?” photos—and the answers—by clicking the Where in Tribeca…? tag at the end of this post.

where in tribeca stickUPDATE: Congratulations to Jim Smithers, who might have been more specific (it’s at 24 Harrison), but considering his excellent WIT…? record, we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. I asked Cass Lilien, whose jewelry shop/atelier is at 24 Harrison, why the stick is there. “My friend Kim Guest was having a pop-up shop of her Moroccan textiles and shoes at my store. We were trying to figure out how to hang her wares on the wood. Her Broadway set designer friend walked by and helped us rig it up. It’s so beautiful we have kept it up.” The next pop-up is this Saturday from noon to 6 p.m.

where in tribeca stick answer



  1. Is it in one of the tunnels below the PATH, WTC, and Brookfield? After you exit the PATH station and start to head west underground?

  2. Harrison………

  3. I know knot.

  4. SWFA!!!

