Seen & Heard: A Peek Inside Serafina

••• There’s a hole in the plywood door at Serafina’s forthcoming location, so I stuck my camera in it. The restaurant isn’t opening anytime soon.

••• I’ve been watching “30 Rock” on Netflix—I missed it the first time around—and I nearly died laughing when, during the first season, the show passed Battery Park City off as Cleveland. (The first half of the clip below, or actually just :40 to 1:15, has now made me laugh five times in a row.)

••• Today, I noticed these film-crew trucks parked on Franklin just west of Hudson, and they were there a couple of weeks ago—neither time with any of those film-shoot notices. Have they been there the whole time? Anyone know what they’re up to? UPDATE: I knew someone would know! “The production office for Oceans 8 is located in the building that houses Tamarind. The production trucks you see are used for wardrobe. So when you see them parked on Franklin they’re in the process of loading in/loading out via the loading dock ramp.”

••• Opening Feb. 28 at hpgrp Gallery: “Japanese Samurai Fashion, an exhibition of mixed media images by Japan based artist and cultural interpreter Everett Kennedy Brown. Using wet plate collodion photography and advanced digital techniques Brown presents a multilayered visual experience that offers uniquely fresh and powerful insight into the rich cultural tapestry of samurai fashion, as it continues to exist in the lives of the people living in Soma, Fukushima (the site of the recent nuclear disaster).”

••• Andrea is wondering whether anyone else around here sells pretzel croissants now that Birdbath has flown the coop. UPDATE: Raw60 says that La Colombe sells pretzel croissants.



  1. The production office for Oceans 8 is located in the building that houses Tamarind. The production trucks you see are used for wardrobe. So when you see them parked on Franklin they’re in the process of loading in/loading out via the loading dock ramp.

  2. I love all the croissants and the pretzel roll at Arcade Bakery. I actually love everything there.

  3. La Colombe sells the pretzel croissants.

  4. RE Cleveland: Funny! I didn’t watch the show, but I lived in Battery Park City for a year in the mid-80’s and referred to it as “Cleveland.” All the newish buildings gave it a suburban vibe. It was full of people who did not identify themselves as New Yorkers (mostly junior finance types who were here temporarily and looking forward to moving back to Atlanta or wherever in a few years). And you had to cross a bridge (over the West Side Highway) to get into the “real” Manhattan!

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