The New Building at Chambers and Church

Last we heard about 108 Chambers (southwest corner of Church), developer Greystone was constructing a two-story retail building and working on the eight stores of residential above it. (“We are focusing on getting the retail portion built out as soon as possible,” said the rep. “We identified additional square footage for the residential portion, so those plans are being revised and resubmitted for approvals.”) It was never clear how they were going to build atop a Starbucks and Vitamin Shoppe, as the tenants are said to be, and now it may never be. When I was walking by yesterday, I saw workers framing a third story—and sure enough, paperwork filed with the Department of Buildings last week says, “enlarge one story building to ten story building.” (Sic? It’s been two stories for a while now.)

In any event, here are the three renderings we have so far. The daytime one is on Greystone’s website, so presumably it’s correct.

