In the News: Inventory Problems at Whole Foods

••• Tribeca Trib has a rendering of the metal canopy that Trinity Church wants to add to one side of the building.

••• “Community Board 1 is voicing reservations about a plan to convert the block of Thames Street between Broadway and Trinity Place into an outdoor shopping arcade, but is procedurally barred—at least for now—from giving official credence to these worries.” —Broadsheet

••• Italian soccer player Antonio Nocerino is trying to sell his place at 101 Leonard. —Real Deal

••• “Battery Park City has lost its only house of worship. On Sunday, the final masses were said at the Saint Joseph Chapel, within the Gateway Plaza complex. This brings melancholy closure to a years-long struggle by parishioners and community leaders to save the church, which has been buffeted by rising rents and declining interest from the Archdiocese of New York (which oversaw the Chapel) in maintaining a facility much beloved by hundreds of local congregants.” —Broadsheet

••• Whole Foods is having inventory issues at many of its stores, not just Tribeca. The notion that the reason could be high demand is ludicrous. (The photo is from a couple of weeks ago.) —Business Insider



  1. At Best Market today the situation was similar, although that’s the first time I’ve seen a situation like that on my regular Wednesday afternoon shopping trip so it might still be related to last Thursday’s storm delaying deliveries.

  2. It’s not just down in Tribeca it is also up in the Village also a few times over he last 2-3 weeks have found my local Gourmet garage and a few other spots out or very low on some items .They restocked and ran out again I think due to the holidays and bad weather more people stocked up on food and cooked at home instead of going out. Deliveries have gotten messed up also between the weather & holidays.

  3. Whole Foods was missing tofu, leeks, carrots, shallots and squash. Put an end to my planned meal of the week of carrot soup and baked tofu!

  4. First world problems. I have so many things I’d like to say here but you can all just get off your high horse complaining asses and walk a few blocks and find whatever you god damned need.

    You’re not in Syria in a refugee camp, the middle of nowhere, or starving to death.

    You haven’t run out of your food stamp money, nor are you living in an apartment with no heat.

    Wake up and smell the roses.

    • I’m always puzzled by people complaining about people complaining about first-world problems. Do you not see the irony in posting your complaint?

      PS “First world” is no longer the accepted term, if you want to complain, please call the other complainers “developed world complainers.”

    • So we shouldn’t criticize a store like Whole Foods that charges top dollar for poor service because we are better off that people in refugee camps in Syria. That makes perfect sense.

    • That’s a bit like saying to someone with a broken leg that they should just bear up because others have esophageal cancer. The point of this “forum” is to discuss living conditions in our neighborhood. The people criticizing the poor service or conditions at Whole Foods are by no means saying that these are the most pressing or significant problems the world at large faces. The criticisms voiced in this context are completely appropriate in my opinion. Your umbrage seems to me misplaced.

  5. But where there is no tofu or carrots there is
    Domino’s Sugar and Dylan’s Candy!

  6. I don’t suppose it has anything to do with it being year-end (or their just having been purchased by Amazon) so maybe it’s time for a giant (annual?) inventory to be taken, and they’re letting the stock get low to make the job easier of counting all the stuff that’s on the shelves? I used to work in a bookstore, and the only way to know what we actually had in stock (what the computer said we had in stock was often inaccurate after a year) was to count every book. It took forever, and was made easier by our letting things thin out before the end of the year, then ordering a bunch of new stuff after we’d finished the inventory, which was done overnight in one giant push.

